Sunday, April 21, 2013

21 Secrets!

Doodling Around!

Things have been busy around here and I've been trying to find time to lock myself up and paint!  I've been fairly good about at least doing some sketching in my journal daily and I really feel it emotionally if I have to go a few days without it.

SO!  I got an early Birthday present and enrolled in "21 Secrets Art Journaling Workshop 2013"  by Dirty Footprints Studio.  It's an online course that features 21 separate artist workshops!! The best thing about it has been that each instructor is so different and offers such a completely different perspective!  It's a self guided online course with each class having several videos and homework for each new technique.
So far I've taken Cathy Bluteau's "Doodling our Way"  which was awesome! To see more of her Whimsical Wonders visit her blog! 

When she showed the project we were going to be working on I had absolutely no idea how we were going to get there!  When I started mine I just kind of had to trust her and jump in and it actually turned out pretty good:)  I had a really good time doing it!  Here's a pic:

Flower Collage

So this one is made with Collage, Ink, Stencils, acrylic and well- anything else I could find:)    So much fun!  I could never figure out how to get that 'segmented' look and she really took us through step by step.  I really love Collage and sometimes I'm just happiest with my pile of Magazines and a pair of scissors watching Psych reruns with my doggies on my lap!

Next I took Danielle Daniels Workshop "Unearthing".  This was more of a stretch for me as we were doing actual faces.  She is pretty amazing at it and has a very stylized look.  I've done a few faces- but not enough to actually have a 'style'.  So here is what I came up with:


Girl with case you couldn't tell:)!

Girl with Bunny
I'm in the process of taking Hali Karla's "Imagine You" which is a bit of a stretch for me.  She's having us do random, 'process' type painting where you have several pieces of paper that you are just quickly adding whatever color or texture or markings that you think of in that moment.  It's a bit outside of my box....which is really good for me:) 

I need to remember that not everything that comes out of me in my journal is going to be 'pretty' and that's ok- in fact getting out the "junk" is sometimes the most healing part- so get ready for some UGLY pages:)!

I have a "Sketch" page started where I would love to post YOUR art!  My friend Dee Dee has posted some really wonderful drawings.  She is especially good at Fantasy drawings and I keep telling her I just want to crawl into her pictures.  I will share those with you as she sends them to me!

Remember- keep drawing, keep moving and keep dreaming!

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