Wednesday, September 11, 2013

My Etsy Shop Just Might Kill Me...

My Etsy Shop Just Might Kill Me...

OMGosh! If I knew how Much I DIDN'T know- I would have..I would have....AEEEAHGHA!!
Ok- I feel better now.  Seriously- every time I click the Mouse I find a New 'App', 'Network', 'System' or 'Mad Voodoo Internet Magic' that I have to stop and learn.  Seriously???!!! Did I say 'seriously'  already?! I've read literally 15-20 books trying to get up to speed enough to Tackle the Online Wonder that is Etsy.  For some reason it has just seemed like "The Impossible Dream"....mostly to my Geektastic Family who can't believe Mom even knows how to Spell Instagram let alone Use it...
To put things in Perspective, only 2 years ago I had to have a team of three Geeks devote 2 days just to teach me to Text  and I couldn't figure out how to even 'Get On' Facebook- let alone 'Friend'  someone 3 months ago...
 Granted 6 years of chemo has not left a lot of time or Brain Cells available- but now that we are in the Clear- I have been working REALLY Hard to NOT be dependent on my Sweetie or my Boys for every single Tech thing that I needed to do.
My True Love and My 'Nerd Herd'...

And Sophie of Course...
I've kind of been in Survival Mode for quite a while so I've only used as much Tech as I absolutely needed.  I knew that somewhere in the last few years I was SERIOUSLY becoming an Out Dated-"I'm fine with my Flip Phone" Mom...
NO MORE my Friends!!!....I shall Conquer this or Consume enough Diet Pepsi and Nuttella to Die Trying!
After reading "How to Open an Etsy Shop for Dummies" for the Third Time- I took a Deep Breath and actually STARTED the Process....then spent 6 hours trying to figure out how to make a Cup-Caking Banner in Picassa! 
Turns out I need to learn ANOTHER App to Size my Pics Correctly...Ugh...something with "Monkey" in the name- I'm too exhausted to order the e-book!  My Kindle is already smoking...
Here's what it looks like so far...
Not too bad eh?-  If it actually looked like that on Etsy-  Can't get it to Resize right!....SIGH...
Then there was researching how to ship, how to bill, how the heck to work to figure out what the heck to write in a "Welcome" get the picture:)
So I am going with the "DONE is better than Perfect" Philosophy and doing my Best knowing that I can always go back and Pay someone a Lot of Money to Fix it...
Fortunately, I have found some amazing Artists and Creatives who I call my "Examples of Excellence" to learn from.  I will be sharing all of  those with you as I bump slowly along the Road to Etsy.
For now- I will Consume Mass Quanties of Caffeine...Stay Calm and Carry On!
Love to All!







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