Thursday, January 23, 2014

What does Molly eat? A Grain Free Day...

Ok- here it is...the No-Grains Food Blog I promised:)

I know it's the first of the year and we are all working on cleaning up our Food Plans.  So- when I posted a few things on Facebook about my struggles with going Grain Free people sent me a lot of messages wanting to know what the heck I DO eat:)

So- I posted some pics on Facebook- which is probably a no-no because they were in no way 'Pretty Food Pics' I promised I'd put them here so as to avoid appearing that I need  everyone to 'Like' my Rice Cakes:)

So, I've been Gluten, wheat and Oat free for about 6 years.  I was on 14 different medications mostly for Asthma and Reflux so after multiple Hospital Visits and testing- I took myself off wheat and Oats.

I am now on Nothin'.  For Asthma that is- yep, totally free- no wheezing, no Reflux, No allergies- just the Excercise Induced Asthma I was born with but that it is totally manageable naturally.

So- for a while I tried eating "Gluten Free" mixes and baking supplies- and I would be ok for a day or two...and then BAM- doubled over for 5 days.  So I discovered that I am indeed allergic to most of the things one might use in 'Gluten Free' stuff.  Spelt, Amaranth, Quinoa, Millet, Barley, Rye....ya  all those guys.  I was completely in denial about Corn- even though I had a stomach ache and was nauseaus EVERY time I ate Popcorn...I just wasn't able to give it up.

So, as you know we have been doing chemo with my youngest son for about 6 out of hospitals and Mc Donald's House and travelling a whole lot- so I just basically did what I could and avoided the 'Majors'.  Now that he is done with treatment- I am HOME....yay!...and I can have a Lot more food options.

Normally I exercise for about an hour a day- it's been the Stationary Bike for the last 2 years.  I usually run a Marathon in January- but this year I just didn't feel like it :)  Trust me- if you don't really FEEL like training for a Marathon- you Won't.  Also- I discovered that long distance Running was my Stress Coping Mechanism and to tell you the truth- I'm just not as stressed:)

SO-  I did NOT run Marathon this year-so I had to adjust my Food Plan to my Current Activity level.  As I am now in my 40's, it's time to convert a lot of my Cardio to Interval/Weight training.  We are P90X-ers here at Freibott house.  Someone is always doing at least one of the programs at any given time.  I've done the original program twice, P90X Plus once- and well- I was pretty Buff...I felt a bit like "Helga the Barbarian" and put an inch and a half of muscle on my waist and legs....ya, not into that really.

ANYWAY- Short story long- I did not Marathon Train- so I didn't have that 'Program' in place and we were finishing chemo so my Food was just kind of all over.  When I started doing Personal Training again this Winter- I was analyzing and writing everyone else's food plans....ya, you know where this is going...I thought "Hey- maybe I should check mine out".  

When I am running, I weigh more, my Body fat is lower and I eat like Crazy:)  My Carb intake is higher, my Upper Body doesn't stay as muscular and believe it or not- Marathon training is NOT a good weight-loss program.  Your body stores lots of muscle and becomes really effecient at burning fuel.

So- I was at my top weight last January at 127 which is fine,  I am 5 foot 4 inches...but my Body Fat was at 18% at the time of race.  This year- I've been maintaining and kind of just 'treading water' and enjoying not being stressed.  So my weight didn't change very much but my Body Fat % went Up and my Muscle Mass went down.

When I heard there was a new P90X program- P90X3....I knew I was in.  After all- I couldn't let my Son beat me at who finished the most P90s...

It's only a half hour....I was SURE I'd have to add on another 40 minutes of Cardio- because I am a Cardio Diva- love me some Cardio....  I had been slowly adding weights and it was helping- but my Muscle Mass was just not coming up.  So I gave it a try. kicked my Butt.....seriously!
Ya- this is my sad Butt laying on the floor with the Doggie 5 minutes after P90X3's 'Accelerator'...

I didn't realize how much core and Stability Muscle Strength I had lost after years of running and not focusing on Strength training or Flexibility.

So- at first I was doing 30 minutes of Cardio on top of it...that stopped I'm just walking the dogs for about 2 miles. 

 I also took a look at the P90X3 food plan and MY current actual food intake and realized I was WAY under.  I was only getting an average of 1200-1300 calories and a lot of that was from Rice Cakes and Gluten Free Waffles and Sugar Free this and that,'Fake food' really- which is fine if you are running marathon- but not if you want to Increase Lean Muscle Mass:)

Remember- a pound of Muscle Burns between 50 to 100 calories per pound every day....a Pound of fat burns less than 4...I want lots of expensive Muscle to increase my Metabolism.

So- I revamped my Food- Upped my protein to a slighlty Ridiculous 114 grams....and took out....sigh....Corn and all other "Grains".  Unfortunately...I felt Fantastic....sigh.

Ya- I am focussing on Plant based Carbs- with Brown Rice as basically my main Complex Carb.  I'm not eating a lot of Brown Rice now because I'm not doing a lot of Cardio...but I'm doing lots of Squashes, Sweet Potatoes and Green Leafies.

In about 3 weeks, my Body Fat went down 2%, which on my frame at 127 is about 2.5 pounds of fat...and my Muscle Mass went up 2 pounds- so I put a pound of muscle on each leg and lost almost 3 pounds of fat.  My WEIGHT  basically stayed the same...which is FINE.  Weight is NOT a good indicator of Fitness, obviously- if you can lose and gain 2 and a half pounds of fat with no change in weight:)   I also lost inches off my waist, hips and thighs but gained some Biceps:)

So- I felt really good the first 3 weeks...that was the "Build" portion and I started having fatigue so I added in some more Carbs...1/3 Cup Brown Rice here and there and it helped.  I am really suprised how HARD this is!  I have a lot of Core Muscle to get back!

Here is a day of Food in the Life of Molly at home, P90X3 Intense Interval/Strength Training for 30 minutes and about 2 miles walking quickly: It's about 1500-1700 calories depending on the day.

I'm not counting Calories- I just want to give you a ball park:)  

You know I do Reliv all the time- I skip the Vitamin Aisle...I need Simple all in one.

 the Classic there is the Basic "Everything you need" and the Innergize is a Hydrator...Plus a shot of Protein Powder...then
Breakfast- 5 Egg whites, 1 Yolk, Lots of Spinach, an orange and some Honey Dew 

Here's a Mid Morning Snack:

Carb/Protein plus a Fat

Fish...And YES- OK...this one has some Corn- sue me:)!
Sweet Potato, Veggies, an orange and Pistachios

 Afternoon Snack:
Reliv: Innergize, Fiberstore and Pro-vantage is Reliv's Sports Protein/Soft Tissue drink.  It's actually quite tasty:)

Turkey and Bean Chilli on Spaghetti Squash...there's another Orange...I love them, and yes, Pistachios....again...I'm Lazy ok- I just needed a Fat in there...

Ok- so here are a few alternates...I really am a creature of habit- so I have to work not to eat the same thing over and over.

5 Egg white 1 Yolk salad on Rice Cakes- Pea Pods and Fruit...I think I had a nut or two in there too.

This was an 'Emergency' one- I was at my Mom's and she served Spaghetti and I did Rice cakes, and some Turkey lunch meat.  Not the greatest- but what can you do?  I did 2 veggies and some Pistachios when I got home.

So- I am feeling excellent- my Brain Fog has ADHD is better and I am no longer craving Popcorn or fake foods...and seriously- if I want Popcorn- I'll eat Popcorn....:)

Anyway, that's just about all of it- wanted to get it all in so I didn't bore you with more than one "What Molly Eats" post at a time:)

Please leave me questions and I'll get back to you- hope it was somewhat helpful:) 

If you have any 'Grain Free' recipes- please share a link!

Love to all!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A few Ink Sketches

Just a few Ink Sketches

So I have been back to work as a Personal Trainer and Nutritional Consultant and enjoying it very much:)   I will get a better 'balance' soon and will be able to Blog a bit more:)

Here are a few Ink Sketches I've been working on.  I've been having fun with Doggies lately- in life and in art:)

This is the breed that always wins the "Ugliest Dog Contest"- this one was not so hideous:)

A big Ole Great Dane...

Very Fluffy White Dog...hardly any contrast:)

And this is just some Journaling I was fiddling with:)

So- that's what I've been up to sketch wise.   If you are on Facebook with me- you have been following my "Life without Grains" saga:)  I am, and have been for a long time, wheat, oats, dairy, sugar free.  But in the Gluten Free world- they have managed to find a Bunch of 'alternatives' to wheat- all of which I still can't do:(

Those include Amaranth, Spelt, Quinoa and...the hardest of all.... Corn.  

I've been eating a little Corn hear and there as I had to survive in and out of Hospitals, Mc Donald's House and Car trips- so now that we are home I'm finally adjusting my diet to a No Grains basis.

I've been asked if I could list or show what I actually eat- so my next post will be some pics and explanations about what a 'Grain Free' Food Plan looks like.

So- please forgive a quick excursion out of the Art World and into the "Nutrition World"

Hope to hear from you!!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Document Life Project

I love The Documented Life Project!!

Roben-Marie Smith

So- I am a bit behind, but yesterday I finally had some Studio Time and was able to do Both the Week One and Week Two Challenges.  They post them on The Documented Life Project Facebook Page.

Week One was "Your Front Door"...

It just so Happens that DOORS have been an image that just keeps coming up.  I think of the New Year as a Huge Open Door to New Changes.  

Also, my Dad is a Huge Jigsaw Puzzle Lover and when we visited him a few weeks ago he was doing this Awesome Puzzle that was made of Photos of all kinds of Front Doors!!!  Loved it!  

Here's a Close up of some of my Faves:
I asked him to save the Box and the small pic that came with it:)

So, this Christmas- he suprised me!!!  He had it Framed!  I absolutely LOVED it! It's going up in my studio!

So- I took the smaller version, cut out my Faves and ended up with this for my "Front Door Assignement":

You know I am obsessed with Small Houses...I think it stems from so much exposure to Dr. Seuss- I always wanted to live in his Houses!

I love Graffiti...reminds me of home:)  I'm just Molly from the 'Block'...

The Next Assignment was to do a 'Selfie'.  Most everyone took Lovely pics of themselves and made awesome pages.  I will do just about anything not to have to See a Pic of myself...

SO- I decided to use 'Symbolism'...sounds pretty mysterious right?

 The term "Be the Bunny" is Secret Code for No one but ME and Jesus...ok- and maybe my Hubby who is the Sharer of all my Secrets:)

Since our own Pet Bunnies have gone home to Heaven- I had the Awesome Opportunity to Research some "Bunny Love" and let me tell you- it was the Cutest Research I have ever done! 

I found a Cutie and sketched it out in Pencil...the Cheap Mechanical "Got-a-pack-for-a-buck" Kind:)

Then I finished it off with the Really Fine's what was sitting in my Pen box:)  

I kind of LOVE him!!!  

So that's the story of the "Selfie" so far:)

Tomorrow I am working on making Tabs in my Planner so I can find the Month/Day/Week I am looking for.

This means more "Research"....Yay!!!  I love scrolling around on The Documented Life Facebook Page and seeing what everyone is doing!!!

So have you started using a 2014 Calendar/Planner yet?  This is my first year Making one- it usually takes me a week or two to find one I like.

Let me know!  I'd love to hear from you!

Love to all!

Monday, January 6, 2014

I Cleaned out the 'Beer Fridge' AND.. Made my Own Day Planner!

Sneak Peak at My Planner/Journal/Sketchbook!!!

I feel a "Tada" is in order:)

There is a Huge Group of Amazing People Helping each other and Sharing their Tips and Ideas at the Facebook Page "A Documented Life Project"'s so COOL!

Ok- so I have been so Busy Lately that I haven't been keeping up on Pics of my "In Progress". 

Today I worked really hard to get the Clients Trained, the Groceries shopped, the Laundry done and the Fridge Cleaned out before the Sun went down so I could at least get some decent pics!  The Fridge proved a Daunting Task indeed...

Here is the formally "Terrifying" Beer Fridge, now returned to it's original Immaculate-ness:)  I decided I absolutely MUST have a 'Beer Fridge' when we became 'Red Necks'.  None of us actually drink beer...but when we do use it for Nick's Mac and Cheese's Dos Equis...

I have two Full Grown, Large Teen-age Boys armed with Sticks and they were Hard Pressed to deal with the Left overs that had gained Sentience and begun to form a Military Revolt in our Spare Refridgerator...

But I digress....
Back to the Planner!!!

Ok- so here is the Front so far.  It's a little Wacko- a little 'Over-stimmed'...a little all over the place...It's Me!!!

Here is how it started....It's just a Mixed Media Sketch Book.  The Front and Back were heavier Cardboard than a regular Sketch book so I splurged a bit there...used my 40% off at Hobby Lobby baby!

The Exciting part is that I have given it a Trial Run these past few days and it is Working!!!  Today it went from the Gym, to the Groceries, to Coffee and Journalling and Back home to Receipt Logging/Book Keeping all in one Place!!!

The great thing about making your Own is that you can take all the Best things about the Planners you like and put them all in one place!  Here's what one of my Weekly Pages looks like:

I have my Appointments on the Left and some room for my "To Do Lists"  I also like to keep my Word of the Year/Month/Week and my Memory Verse for the Week.

On the right is my ever Evolving Grocery List...I feed an army...)  The "Go To" is the ADHD Kick in the Butt to remember that I need to drop by the Post Office...

And Here is where I keep the Master List of what we are eating that week...and I added my Exercise on the Bottom.  I think I will fill in the Exercise as I do it...

To tell you the truth- I end up Drawing these Calendar 'Shapes' into whatever Notebook I am making Lists in- so I just "Cute-r-ed" it up...Cute-r ddd it up??  Anyway- I made a bunch of copies...  It's just Glue Sticked in.  I tried Mod Podge- but too much work and too messy:)

I also REALLY needed to get my Receipts for my several Businesses stored and organized.  So far December and January Receipts have been Crumpled up in the bottom of my purse with the Gum Wrappers and empty Lip Gloss Accountant loves me:)

SO- I added in some Envelopes...which I LOVE!!!  I just used some 5x7 ish Manilla Mailing envelopes that I scored somewhere and 'Gussied' them up a bit.  I added some 'Accounting Sheets' to them so I could track the receipt as I put it in.  These two are on the Back Page- so it's really sturdy and easy to find.

That's just Washi Tape all over to hold down the paper and 'Prettify' it:)  So far I've kept up pretty well.  Top ones for Household (Groceries, Groceries...and more Groceries...) and the bottom is for Biz.

I liked them so much I made two more:

The Book is sideways here...sorry!  And there's my Fabu new shoe in the left corner...I cut the tops off of these two.

I put them on the inside of the Heavy Front Cover.  This is just Paper Towel Left Overs that I used to blot other things in my Art Journal:)  I Mod Podged them on, then stuck only the back of the envelope down.  I use one for  Contacts/ Biz Cards and the other for 'Everything Else':)  It still needs more Decorating:)

I am having SO much fun with My new Planner that even scheduling Seven Loads of Laundry on Tuesday is Exciting!!!

Next Stop- Adding "Tabs" so I can find which Week/Month I am on:)

If this looks like Fun...go ahead and click on over to The Documented Life Project

You'll find the Class by Lorainne that I took and all the Info and Inspiration you need!'s addicting!!!

What do you use to stay 'Organized'?  (I use the term loosely!)

Are you a Calendar Girl?  Planner Person?  Notebook addict?

Let me know!!

Love to all!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!!!

I hope you all had a Fantastic New Year's Eve!  We had a great time just Hanging out, watching old "Eureka" Episodes on Net Flix and playing Board Games:)  My boys all made it to  Not so much!

But I did manage to Wake Up just in time to watch the Rose Parade! 

 Ok- so you may not know..... but I am a total Rose Parade 

Seriously...I grew up in Duarte which is about 20 minutes East of Pasadena. AND my Dad was a Civil Engineer for the City of Pasadena- so it was a BIG deal in my Family.  Christmas...then Rose Parade- that's how it goes in the Holiday Food Chain...

I'm also a Total All-Around Band Geek... Ya- that's me in front there..

I was THE Band Geek Baby...Co-Drum Major Duarte High School Marching Band Band!  All 22 of us!

Every year we visited the Floats being made in Giant tents in Pasadena  by thousands of  Lucky 'Petal Pushing' Volunteers. I've submitted many  'sketch ideas' for the "City of Duarte" Float...because it always always stunk. 

 And we even went to see the floats on display after the Parade...well, the Cool ones...not Duarte's because it always had to be towed...

I even auditioned for the the 'Rose Parade Honor Band' a few times:) I rocked the Flute, the Piccalo and Occasionally the Base Drum when Sergio couldn't learn his part...

If I was able to actually Freeze my Butt off and sleep on the sidewalk, we'd see the Parade in person.  But we would Never miss it at Home.  We would wake up early...6:00 am- because you CAN'T miss the "Pre-show".. and we watched in our Jammies:) 

My Mom would make 'Scotch Eggs'...which are basically Hard Boiled Eggs wrapped in Sausage:)  Here is a very Bad...but Non-Copyrighted Photo:)  My Mom's are MUCH better...although they Do look mysteriously like Dinosaur Eggs..

File:Scotch Egg open.JPG

I have no idea if anything Scottish is actually involved...  Needless to say- they are great memories.  My Mom made them this year for our Annual Christmas Breakfast Feast and I sat in the Corner Hoarding Gollum...

Ssssscotch Eggsssesssssss....

 This year  I was thrilled to stumble upon the Property Brothers who were hosting a "We-promise-not-to-talk-or-run-commercials-over-the-band-music" Broadcast- I was IN!!! Go HGTV!
Normally I am a staunch Bob Eubanks and Stephanie Edwards die hard...but come on Bob, the Bands aren't just a fill in between the floats!  And the Property Boys had Great Sound...ok, let's admit it- they are Fun to look I right?  OH- and there was some other girl on there too...:)

Ok- so that was my Awesome New Years day!
  What greater Love has a bunch of Teenage Boys and their Dad than to sit through an entire Rose Parade listening to their Mom add Live Commentary every time a Band went around the Corner of Colorado Boulevard?! 

 (Did you see the Marines do it this year??? OOO-rah baby...)


Ok!  Geeking out aside...I feel like getting through Christmas- although Lovely and Wonderful- was a bit stressful.  So I really hadn't even had time to take a breath and really Plan for the New Year.

As Moms- we are Constantly Planning, Scheduling, Listing etc...and it's not like I don't have a plan...I just don't have it all Dolled up in a Fantastic Artsy Planner!!!   

Which is what the "New Years Fantasy in my Head" said I should already have had Built, Decorated and Ready to Use promptly at 6:00 am this New Year's Morning.

BUT!  Progress has been Made!!!

I was Obsessing  following my Fave Artsy Friends throughout the Holidays and stumbled upon The Documented Life Project!  You Guessed it!!! A bunch of Artsy, Art Journaling, List making, Schedule Junkies just like me all Making their Very Own Customized Planners!!!  AND I get to join ANOTHER Facebook Group!!!

 (Cue Happy Dance...Disco..Party on the Dance Floor style...)

So Join me over the Next Week as I learn How to put together The "One Planner to Rule Them All"...yes, my Precious...A Planner/Calendar/Sketch Book/Journal/List Storing Masterpiece!  Bwah ha ha ha!!!

Here's a Sneak Peak!

Are you A Planner Junkie?  List Lover?  School Supply Addict?  

What are your Plans for "Planning" this year?  

What Scheduling Devices do you Absolutely have to have on your person at all times???

Let me know!!! We Love Commentssessss.....:)

See you Tomorrow for More 2014 Dreaming!

Here's Sophie enjoying the Post Christmas Art Binge...

Love to all!