Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Molly Lolly Loo Designs Facebook Page

Molly Lolly Loo has a Facebook Page!

Yesterday marked a big Milestone for MollyLollyLoo:)  (That's Me!)  As part of my goal of eventually having my Very Own Etsy Shop, I finally launched my Facebook Fan Page-
Molly Lolly Loo Designs! 

You can click here to Pop Over:) 

 This was a Step I have been working on for quite some time.  I tell you, trying to figure out all these different Social Media sites has been crazy hard.  BUT- I have to tell you, it feels SO GOOD!!!!  My kids are all absolutely shocked that I actually know what a Facebook Business Page IS...let alone that I have my own:)

I really did have to research this one for several weeks.  I think it's just because I had to make some Decisions about this new Adventure early on so that all my Social Media is consisitently Fabulous:)
Know that I am a 'Total Newb' to Social Media and literally started from Scratch by reading Every Single Book I could get my hands on! 
Just in case, like me, you are suffering from 'Tech Phobia'- here are the books that I read that really helped me to get a grip and take 'the Plunge into Social Media:


How to use Facebook: Your Quickstart Guide by Wynne Pirini-
How to Twitter by Stacy Myers
G Plus, A DivaPreneurs Quick Start Guide To Google Plus by Kath Conabree & Carol Dodsely
Blogging for Dummies- All in one by Susan Gunelius
What the Plus: Google Plus for the Rest of Us by Guy Kawasaki
A Beginner's Guide to Flicr by Alissa Richards
Tweet Right: The sensible Person's Guide to Twitter by Nicola Morgan

I used the Kindle Edition on all of these because it's Much easier to carry around!
I even Bit the Bullet and had my Neice who runs "AJ's Photography" take a Head Shot photo for me.  Ugh- I would seriously rather have a Root Canal.  BUT- now I have an actual intentional Photo and not just one cropped from Christmas 2003:)

My next goal is to actually.....gasp.....open an Etsy Account!! 
I just finished "Starting an Etsy Business for Dummies" by Allison Strine and Kate Shoup and it was very, very helpful.  I am still very, very nervous but I feel quite a bit more prepared:)

This next week I will be Re-Organizing my Studio to gear up for 'Making More Stuff'!  I would love to hear any Tips or Ideas on making things more efficient.

You know what this means right?  An Excuse to Pinterest!!!  I can call it "Research" right?

Love to All!

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